About Us

Why East AFrica Customer Care Centre

East Africa Customer Care Center offers consultancy and training services to organizations that endeavor to increase and improve their client models through efficient and effective customer experience for a good value proposition.

This is collaboratively achieved through creating an enabling corporate culture, UX technology platforms, business processes, and team capacity building

Our Vision

Shaping Customer Experience


Integrity, Agility & Care

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Experience in Setting up 700+ seats

Serviced customer base of over 20 million at Safaricom

managing over 1600 staff

pauline warui

Pauline Warui

Founder and Lead Consultant

Our Services

What We Do?

Shaping Customer Experience

business strategy

Our Mission


To consistently change the way businesses offer services to customers at every touch-point, by creating lean highly skilled, digital, and optimized but profitable organizations that have clients on top of their minds

Our Cases

Top-ranking financial Portfolio


Banking Consulting

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Business Consulting

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Investment Consulting

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Finance Consulting

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What People Say About Our Company

Trusted by Top Brands

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Our Team

Core Team Experts

pauline warui


Pauline Warui, Founder and Lead Consultant have been instrumental in shaping the customer experience platforms in Kenya with over 25 years of experience in the leading Telecommunications organizations and the Oil & Energy Industry. She set up and managed Safaricom Customer Operations the biggest contact center in East and Central Africa with 700 seats, a customer base of over 20 million, and 1600 staff.
She was the Customer Care Manager at Chevron Oil (EA and Egypt) and Celtel Kenya, and is Currently the Vice-Chair of Commonwealth Business Women's Network (Kenya)


Phillip Muriuki, Director and Lead Consultant in Management, Fintech, and Banking. He is a seasoned Senior Banking Executive-experienced in General Management, Banking Consultancy for over 20 years. He has deep knowledge in Banking Operations, IT Strategy, and Project Management. He has worked with Local, International, and Multinational organizations within Kenya and abroad.

He has worked with Standard Chartered Bank, Alrajhi Bank (Saudi Arabia) Barclays Bank, and Jamii Bora Bank in various capacities at the management and Director levels. Currently working for bank of Ghana

Business Consulting

Staff Training

Call Centre